Congratulations to Cindy and Kirk our first couple to both score 100% on the written exam and on the water sailing test and what a wide range of conditions we had!
Usually in September, you can expect light winds and high temperatures and this class started out that way. The first day sailing in Last Call with very light winds and just enough boat speed to slowly go through the exercises on the water, but later in the day we had some approaching heavy gray clouds that managed to kick up the winds to 10 knots so we had a very enjoyable first day and managed to get all of our training done. On the second day, the forecast was for 20 knot winds and rain. On the water, we had a building breeze that did get to the point where we had to take the sails down and motor into the wind and also a driving rain hit us and we got soaked. But these two just took it all in stride and never bailed out, so we had from Mild to Wild and it was the first time for both of them on a sail boat. Kirk had some power boat experience about 20 years ago. Cindy had a history of getting sea sick every time she was on a boat, but never once felt sick on Last Call over the 2 days of training.
I had a really great time sailing with these two and look forward to our next adventure.
Capt. Brad